The ordeal: Facing the Shadow Self

3 min readMay 19, 2021

The author, Roy Leighton is a (59 year old) student at the Faculty of Education in Cambridge studying a Masters in Philosophy (Knowledge, Power and Politics). He is a professional actor, published author and has been working globally in education, business and social change with a focus on learning, change management and peace-building through play for nearly 40 years.

The protagonist in this series of blogs written by myself and fellow students from Cambridge University, inspired by the ‘The Hero’s Journey’ narrative structure, has been former prison inmate and Code4000 graduate Amanul. By now, if you’ve followed the previous blogs, you will know that Amanul has shared his story of challenge and transformation. This is the point in ‘The Hero’s Journey’, after overcoming numerous tests and trials that the Hero has to overcome their deepest fear and face the ‘shadow self’.

This is the stage in the story where the individual comes face to face with a manifestation of that part of their personality that is blocking their own advancement. Often, this can be in the form of a dream. Psychologist Carl Jung was a great advocate of the power of dreams and the stages of the Hero’s Journey to navigate our own ‘human evolution’: that point in our lives when we say ‘no more’. It can also manifest itself in massive self doubt and fear.

In the movie franchise ‘Star Wars’ the shadow self is referred to as ‘the dark side’. In ‘’The Empire Strikes Back’ Luke Skywalker is taken into a cave by Yoda to confront his shadow self. He imagines it to be Darth Vador but it turns out that Luke’s dark side is himself. Just like the rest of us.

Joseph Campbell, who wrote the book ‘The Hero with a Thousand Faces’ made it clear that unless we are able to defeat this negative aspect of ourselves we will fail to obtain the treasures that lie in wait for us on the journey: ‘The cave we fear to enter, holds the treasure that we seek’

We have to confront our fear by entering the cave that houses the shadow self. Only when we do that can we hope to move on in our journey. Facing the shadow self leads to the acquisition of a treasure that has long since been hidden from us. This is the treasure that we are going to receive and bring back into the ‘ordinary world’.

It is true that Amanul has travelled through this stage and returned with the practical skills and knowledge developed with Code4000 but he has done more than that. Amanul has become, through his courageous consistent actions, an inspiration for others, not least the students at Cambridge University that have been part of this Global Research Group awareness and fund raising project. That is one of the many treasures that he has brought back into the ‘ordinary’ world.

Guatma Buddha has been quoted as saying: ‘If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also lighten your own path.’

This gift of ‘illumination’, clear sight or ‘enlightenment’ comes from having the determination and vulnerability to recognise those aspects of ourselves that we are uncomfortable with and see them for what they are: just part of the make-up of being human.

We all have dark thoughts and destructive urges. It is, quite literally, in our DNA. The challenge is to decide, in the midst of any periods of sadness, fear and confusion, not to allow our very justified fear to dictate our actions. At that time we need to take action, like Amanul has, to confront this ‘dark side’ and move beyond our fear, negative thoughts and beliefs; to say ‘no more’ to our limiting beliefs and destructive habits and take the action we need to become the version of ourselves that will bring a little more light, and dare I say a little more love, into the world.

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Teaching Tech, Changing Lives: Code4000 are Europe’s first provider of prison-based computer programming training.